Welcome to Lakeview Fellowship
Discover Lakeview by visiting us on Sunday's at 10:30AM! Here is everything you need to plan your first visit with us. Learn about Lakeview Kids, parking, attire, and more. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Sunday Service
10:30 AM
Get Connected
Become a Partner
At Lakeview, we partner together in serving God's kingdom and spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. To find out more about partnering with us, be sure to sign up for our next 4 week Ramp class.

Lakeview Kids
We are focused on equipping the entire family with a place to Pursue Christ, Love Others and Make Disciples through Lakeview Kids! We provide a safe, clean and secure environment, that is Christ-focused and engaging for kids ages infants through 5th grade.
LVY Youth
Our Student Ministry, LVY, meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm. This is a group where every student is known and accepted, taught about Jesus, and challenged to grow in their faith.
Launch Groups
Through Launch Groups, Lakeview is studying God's word and living life together in Christ. There are a variety of groups to choose from and each group runs for eight weeks.
Latest Sermon
View the latest Lakeview Fellowship sermon or browse previous sermons. You can catch us LIVE online on YouTube, Facebook, or through the Lakeview Fellowship app!
What's at our core?
Romans 12 says that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. At Lakeview Fellowship, we live by 7 core values.